Saturday, April 30, 2011

What I use..

I am a cannon girl through and through

Canon EOS 500 (100mm macro lens) by Mountain/\Ash

I have only ever owned Cannon EOS cameras, my first was a EOS 500, you know the kind you actually had to put film into. I loved using the dark room and watching the pictures appear on the white page, the smell of the chemicals and the silence. 

350D by Sami Taipale
350D, a photo by Sami Taipale on Flickr.

I have had my Cannon EOS 350D for about 6 years now, and unfortuntly lately it has not had much use. Well not as much as I would like.
I have never been very good with the manual side of the camera however I do try and play with the settings as much as possible.


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